Supported Hosted Employment

Get support in a mainstream workplace. Enjoy satisfying employment and a pathway to employment with more options.

Find a job that supports you and aligns with your goals

Supported Hosted Employment is for people with disability who want to work in a mainstream workplace with support.

In a mainstream workplace you will be working with people without disability. We find you an employer that supports you and aligns with your goals.

Supported Hosted Employment provides you the opportunity to work in different workplaces. The jobs you do may vary depending on where you work and what you’re interested in.

Whatever work you choose, we always make sure your work environment is safe and supportive and that you will be able to build your skills and confidence in a job you’ll love.

Supported Hosted Employment can help you:

  • Develop a range of work skills
  • Work in a safe and supportive environment
  • Learn skills to work independently
  • Feel satisfied in a rewarding job
  • Work in a dynamic and inclusive environment.

Supported Hosted Employment is a great first step if mainstream employment is your goal.

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Employment options for people with disability


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