Our commitments
Our Commitments are the promise we make to the people we support, families, employees, the community and our organisation. We’re committed to providing opportunities for positive change. We move with the people we support on the pathway to possibilities.
Statement on Supported Employment from David Swain, CEO of Endeavour Foundation
Endeavour Foundation is urging the Australian Government to implement a wage offset policy to ensure employees with disability receive at least the national minimum wage.
A wage offset would build the financial wellbeing of people with disability and get more NDIS participants into a job, with all the benefits that brings.
The release of the Taylor Fry Report: Modelling of the supported employment population, provides compelling evidence supporting the transition to at least the minimum wage for people with intellectual disability.
The report shows that a wage offset is not only simple but also relatively inexpensive and aligns with the recommendations of the Disability Royal Commission.
In fact, the cost of implementing this offset would be $165 million per year, which is significantly less than the $225 million value Disability Social Enterprises currently provide to government.
We understand that big policy changes like this one take time and effort, but we need the government to take serious, tangible action to improve wages urgently.
We are calling on government to review the details of the Taylor Fry Report and develop a roadmap to secure the future of employment for people with intellectual disability.
We are committed to creating an inclusive future of work for people with intellectual disability, but we need the support of government to make more significant change.
Our commitment to the people we support
People with disability and their human rights are at the heart of everything we do. We partner with people to feel empowered and lead full and purposeful lives where they can exercise choice and control. Our values, culture, processes and practices prioritise safe and high-quality individualised services for the people we support. We strive to continually improve the quality and safety of our services and provide opportunities for open, two-way communication with the people we support, their families and carers. Our commitment to the people we support is outlined in our ‘Quality, safety and you’ booklet and Easy Read below and is supported by our rigorous feedback and complaints process.
NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission
The NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission is an independent agency established to improve the quality and safety of people with disability by ensuring NDIS service providers are doing the right thing.
If you are unhappy with how we have responded to or handled your feedback, you can contact the NDIS Commission at any time.
You can also escalate any concern or complaint directly to the NDIS Commission.
Read more:
- Handling complaints and fixing problems (easy read)
- Quality, safety and you (standard)
- Quality, safety and you (easy read)
NDIS Commission contact details
1800 035 544 (free call from landlines) or TTY 133 677
[email protected]
NDIS Commission, PO Box 210, Penrith NSW 2750
NDIS Commission
Whistleblower service
BDO is an external and independent whistleblower reporting service.
Engaged by Endeavour Foundation, they host a hotline specifically for employees and other stakeholders to report concerns of illegal or unethical behaviours and misconduct, including:
- Fraud
- Misuse of property
- Breach of policies, bribes, corruption, abuse, neglect and exploitation
- Unlawful workplace practices such as harassment and bullying
- Any other breaches of trust.
We encourage you to raise your concerns directly with us; however, if you do not wish to or feel uncomfortable, please contact BDO.
All reports received by BDO are provided to our Audit and Risk Committee Chairman and Internal Auditor.
BDO will not disclose the identity of a complainant without permission.
Read more:
- Whistleblower policy (standard)
- Understanding Whistleblowing (easy read)
- Complaint policy (standard)
- Complaints are OK (easy read)
BDO contact details
1300 408 955
[email protected]
Level 10, 12 Creek Street, Brisbane Qld 4000
GPO Box 457, Brisbane Qld 4001
Endeavour Foundation's commitment to gender equality
Endeavour Foundation is committed to the vision of quality employment opportunities for all Australians who want to work.
With a proud history of supporting people facing employment barriers, including those engaged in supported employment, we actively advocate for the inclusion of Australians with intellectual disability in the national conversation and decisions about employment opportunities and fair wages.
We strive to ensure gender equality, investing time in understanding our workforce's diverse experiences and perspectives. This commitment extends to gaining insights into crucial aspects such as remuneration and career pathways, reinforcing our pursuit of a fair and inclusive workplace for all.
Read our Gender Pay Gap Statement or visit the WGEA Data Explorer on the Workplace Gender Equality Agency website.
Final report of the Disability Royal Commission.
The following statement may be attributed to an Endeavour Foundation spokesperson.
Endeavour Foundation welcomes the release of the final report from the Royal Commission into the Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability.
We are grateful for the important work of the Commission in providing a platform for people with a disability to be heard.
Throughout this time, we have been distressed to hear about the experiences of people who have endured violence, abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
We are immensely grateful for their courage in speaking out and demanding an end to these grievous injustices - now and for future generations.
Endeavour Foundation reaffirms that we all have a role to play in ensuring that Australia is a nation where people with a disability live free from violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation.
While we have monitored the progress of the Commission and implemented improvements throughout, we will be carefully considering the recommendations, especially in relation to best practice and ways to amplify the voices of people with a disability within our organisation.
For further media enquiries please contact Kirrily Boulton, phone 0429 077 886.
Endeavour Foundation Support for Uluru Statement
Endeavour Foundation is committed to standing with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples on the journey to reconciliation.
We recognise that the creation of the Uluru Statement from the Heart represents the largest consensus of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples on a proposal for substantive recognition in Australian history.
We humbly accept the invitation in the Statement to walk with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples towards a more just future and nation.
Endeavour Foundation commit to playing our part in giving realisation to the Uluru Statement from the Heart.
Our commitment to reconciliation is underpinned by the actions outlined in our Reconciliation Action Plan.
Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)
Endeavour Foundation and its subsidiary, Community Solutions Group (CSG) is committed to standing with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples on the journey to reconciliation.
RAP Status
Our REFLECT RAP was the start of our structured approach to making our organisation culturally safe for our employees and the people we support.
We have now progressed into our INNOVATE stage. In this stage, we will prioritise the development of initiatives, programs and partnerships.
Our commitment to reconciliation reflects and embraces our mission and core values.
We intend to build stronger foundations and develop long-term sustainable engagement. We will recognise and respect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their communities.
We commit to building on our RAP by working in partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. With the goal to achieve health equality, and better health and wellbeing for all Australians.
JOY’ by QArt’s Mya Wilson, Wurundjeri artist - Commissioned by Endeavour Foundation as the artwork for our Reconciliation Action Plan.
“This idea for this painting was conceived during the Covid pandemic. I wanted to express the disharmony and the multiple challenges that people faced during this time. This is a contrast to the Dreamtime when all living creatures lived harmoniously and sustainably on the land and in the sea. I have used modern bright pastel colours to lighten the mood. The intention is to create a feeling of happiness, growth and hope.”

Endeavour Foundation 'Reflect' Reconciliation Action Plan 2021-2022
Below you will find our existing REFLECT RAP endorsed by Reconciliation Australia. We are working to update this document in line with our INNOVATE journey.
For more information, please contact [email protected].
Modern Slavery Statement
Endeavour Foundation understands and takes seriously our responsibility to uphold high quality, safe and ethical practices. A critical part of this is respecting the human rights of people with disability.
Our commitment to human rights also underpins Endeavour Foundation’s first Modern Slavery Statement, in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth).
We recognise our obligation to respect and defend human rights by taking measures to prevent modern slavery in our supply chain and procurement practices, compliance and risk management, and through staff education and training.

Endeavour Foundation Modern Slavery Statement
This Statement has not yet been reviewed by the Attorney-General's Department.
Statement of commitment to child safety
Endeavour Foundation is committed to the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people who access our services, are in our care or who we interact with while conducting our business. This will always be our priority.
Our organisation does not tolerate any form of child abuse. In line with our policies and procedures, we will investigate all allegations and safety concerns in a trauma-informed and person-centred manner and will meet our ethical and legal obligations to report child abuse to the appropriate authorities.
We are committed to delivering culturally safe supports and services for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander children and young people, including supporting them to connect with culture, family, and country, when that is their choice.
Endeavour Foundation supports and respects all children and young people, our employees, and volunteers. We are committed to providing an inclusive environment, particularly for children and young people with disability.
We commit to a culture of openness and safety where children and young people are encouraged to talk freely when they feel unsafe or worried, to appropriate adults. We support children, young people, and their families to actively participate in decisions that affect their lives.

Endeavour Foundation Statement of commitment to child safety
Safety and the Environment
We are committed to protecting the health and safety of all people in their interaction with the Endeavour Foundation. As a socially responsible organisation, Endeavour Foundation is committed to continually improving our environmental performance as an integral and fundamental part of our business strategy and our operating practices.
As part of this commitment, our Safety Policy and Environmental Policy are aligned and maintained to ensure they reflect our dedication to appropriate safety and environmental management in the communities in which we operate. Accessible versions of the policies are available as a Safety Policy Easy Read and an Environmental Policy Easy Read.
Retention of client files
The contents of a file will be destroyed 10 years after the death of a client. If the death of the client is not able to be ascertained, the file will be retained for 85 years from the client’s date of birth, and for 10 years after the last client service provision. Both of these criteria will be met before files are destroyed.
If Endeavour has not actioned a referral for a ‘new’ client by carrying out an assessment or providing a service, the file can be destroyed 10 years after the last contact.
If the client was younger than 18 years when they ceased to be a client of Endeavour Foundation the 10 year period should not start until they were 18.
If family members wish to obtain personal items of the clients contained in the file before it is destroyed they should contact Endeavour Foundation.