Online Membership Form

Membership Information

Benefits of becoming a member

Members of Endeavour Foundation are a special part of our organisation. In becoming a financial member you will have the opportunity to provide input and feedback directly to our representatives and advocate for the wonderful people we support.

Members are eligible to become a part of our Area and National Advisory Groups that have a connection with both our services on the ground and the Executive Leadership Team. Members are also invited to attend our Stakeholder, General and Annual General Meetings and they also have the right to cast a vote on resolutions raised.

As a financial member of Endeavour Foundation your voice can help guide our organisation to provide even better services into the future. So, submit the membership form to become a member today!

Terms and Conditions

Following the 2023 AGM, the Board of Directors and members resolved that both new and existing members are eligible to receive free membership for the 2024/2025 financial year.

Clients and family members, guardians and full time carers that have a bona fide connection with a client are also eligible to receive a free membership for the balance of the 2023-24 financial year and 2024-25 financial year. A client means:

  • A person who receives home or community support from Endeavour Foundation; and/or
  • An employee who receives support at an Endeavour Foundation social enterprise;

To qualify for free membership, applications must be received prior to the 2024 AGM.

*Memberships and membership fees are subject to eligibility criteria and approval by the Endeavour Foundation Board. Membership fees paid for an application not accepted by Endeavour Foundation will be refunded.

Membership Form

Note: Membership Fees will be reviewed at the 2024 AGM.