
What happens to my NDIS plan when I turn 65?

Approaching 65 and wondering what happens to your NDIS funding? While we would love to be able to give a simple and easy answer to this, like many things with the NDIS the answer is as complicated as it is individualised.

We love a challenge though, so in this blog we are going to tackle the question of what happens to your NDIS plan when you turn 65.

Generally speaking, your regular NDIS services won’t just stop when you turn 65

It can be a lot of work to get your NDIS supports set up and working for you. Lots of paperwork to navigate, places to try, people to meet and routines to build. All this hard work doesn’t just vanish as you blow out your birthday candles.

You can continue to stay with the NDIS and receive NDIS supports after you turn 65. The important word in that sentence is ‘continue’. If you are not an NDIS participant, you won’t be eligible to become one after the age of 65. If you are a participant, you can choose to continue receiving funding and support from the NDIS.

The NDIS exists to help people with disability, and the aged care system exists to help people in their later years. Often the funding you receive under the NDIS will be more tailored to your disability, so it makes sense that you can continue to receive this support.

It’s worth seeing what assistance you can get under the aged care system

When you become eligible for aged care support it’s always a good idea to explore what this could look like and what help and supports might be available to you. For more information about supports available when you turn 65, visit

The type of home care you receive can make you ineligible for the NDIS

While we’ve spent much of this blog so far talking about how aged care and NDIS work alongside each other, there is one notable exception to this - home care.

You will not be eligible for the NDIS if:

  • You permanently enter a residential care service after turning 65 (like a residential aged care home)
  • You start being provided with permanent home care after turning 65.

The NDIS has more information on this.

What about my Disability Support Pension (DSP)?

If you get Disability Support Pension (DSP) and you turn 66 years and 6 months soon, you can apply to transfer to the Age Pension.

It’s very important to note that you can keep your DSP and don’t have to transfer to the Age Pension, but you must let Services Australia know your decision. If you don’t, they may stop your DSP payments.

You will need to tell Services Australia if you:

  1. want to transfer to the Age Pension or not
  2. have superannuation.

You can find out more information about transferring to the Age Pension on the Services Australia website.

What if I acquire a disability after turning 65?

Unfortunately, you can’t enter the NDIS after turning 65, you can only continue services if you were receiving them before you turned 65. This applies even if you develop a disability later in life. If you find yourself in this position you will need to seek support from other systems like My Aged Care.

What’s the difference between the NDIS and My Aged Care?

Depending on your goals, the NDIS can help you with:

  • Accessing employment
  • Connecting with your community
  • Assistance with day-to-day tasks
  • Supports to become more independent

My Aged Care aims to make it easier for you to stay connected to what you love, and maintain your independence as you age. It offers support in three primary areas:

  • Aged care homes
  • Short term care, i.e. respite care (for example, after an accident, illness or hospital stay)
  • Home care

Need help navigating the NDIS?

We live and breathe all things NDIS. If you have questions or would like a better understanding of what services are right for you, we are here to help. Just give us a call on 1800 112 112 to speak with an NDIS expert.

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