
Top 7 accessible winter activities

Looking for inspiration in the cooler months? Try these fun-filled accessible winter activities.

Yes, the days are shorter.

Yes, the temperatures are cooler.

But winter is a magical time to explore your surroundings and try new activities.

Getting out and about in the cooler months helps to lift your spirits, and it keeps you active.

Here are seven accessible winter activities to add to your must-do list this winter.

1. Go ice skating

Ice skating is a wonderful way to embrace the season and is both exciting and accessible.

Cities across Australia have community rinks where you can rent skates and join in the fun, regardless of your skill level.

There are different kinds of skates and skating equipment you can use depending on your needs. Some ice-skating rinks even have dedicated skating sessions for wheelchair users.

Ice skating is a perfect activity for families, friends, or even a solo adventure.

If ice skating is not your thing, there are plenty of other enjoyable icy and snow activities to get stuck into.

2. Try ten-pin bowling

When the weather is too cold for outdoor activities, head indoors to your local ten-pin bowling alley.

Bowling is a great way to stay active without the chilliness of the outdoors. It is suitable for all ages and abilities, making it an excellent choice for a social outing.

The great thing about bowling is you can play it your way. Pick your own bowling ball and choose if you would like to use the bumpers and/or a ramp.

Many bowling alleys offer special deals, theme nights and even glow-in-the-dark bowling sessions, adding an extra layer of fun to this classic activity.

3. Enjoy arts and craft

Embrace your creative side with arts and craft.

The cooler months are perfect for starting a new project or finishing one that you have put aside.

Gather supplies and dive into your favourite crafting activity, or maybe attempt something you’ve never tried before.

Whether it is painting, knitting or scrapbooking, there are plenty of online tutorials and local workshops available to help you.

This is one of those accessible winter activities that is not only relaxing but also rewarding.

4. Cook with friends

Cooking new recipes is a favourite activity at our Learning and Lifestyle hubs.

It is a fun way to learn new skills in the kitchen.

As the cooler weather is the perfect time to enjoy hearty meals, why not invite friends over for a cooking party? Try recipes together to prepare a tasty dish to share, or bake treats.

If cooking is not your thing, explore local restaurants and see what is on the winter menu.

Whether you stay in or go out, sharing winter-warming food is a wonderful way to spend time with others in the cooler months.

5. Wander through a museum or gallery

Winter is an excellent time to embrace your cultural side.

Museums and galleries offer a warm escape from the cold and are vibrant, interactive venues with lots of opportunities to learn something new.

Whether you are curious about art, history, science or something else, there is a museum or gallery that will fit your interest. Better yet, many museums and galleries have free entry.

Keep a look out for special exhibits and events during this time of year, which create even more appeal.

6. Visit the theatre

Escape into the world of drama, comedy or music with a visit to a local theatre production.

Visiting your local theatre is a fantastic way to support your community, while staying indoors.

Some theatres also provide ‘relaxed performances’, which are designed to create a welcoming and inclusive environment.

These performances often include adjusted lighting and sound levels, a break-out space for those who need a break from sitting in the audience and pre-show information to help audience members feel prepared and more comfortable.

7. Get to a winter festival or event

Dedicated winter festivals and events are held across the country each year.

Head along to a delicious food festival or a groovin’ music and dance event with friends, family or a support worker.

You can plan ahead using resources like these below:

From ice skating to cooking, this collection of accessible winter activities serves as a great excuse to get out and try something new, or to return to a favourite activity that you might have been putting off.

Whatever the case, get out there and enjoy what is on offer.

Alternatively, if you are looking for something to do in warmer weather, check out these fun accessible outdoor activities.

Endeavour Foundation helps to make possibilities a reality for people with disability. If you want more inspiration, tips, and other insights, explore more of our stories.

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