
Exercise: The ultimate mood booster for people of all abilities

Have you ever noticed how good you feel after having a workout? Well, guess what? Exercise isn't just good for your body, it's also great for your mind! Let’s explore how exercise can lift your spirits and make you feel strong, especially if you have disability.

Understanding exercise

Let's start by understanding what exercise is all about. Exercise simply means moving your body in different ways to stay healthy and strong. Whether it's getting involved in the gym, going for a walk, or dancing in your living room, any movement counts as exercise.

According to Healthstin (2021), physical activity has important benefits on mental health. Despite this, 72% of people with disability do not participate in enough physical activity for their age.

Exercise and mental wellbeing

Did you know that when you exercise, your brain releases chemicals called endorphins? These little heroes are like natural mood boosters that make you feel happy and energised. So, whenever you're feeling a bit down, getting your heart racing will do wonders for your mood!

Building strength and confidence

Exercise isn't just about feeling good, it's about getting stronger too. Regular workouts build muscle and improve bone health, which not only makes you physically stronger but also boosts your confidence. Seeing yourself improve and achieve your fitness goals can be a real confidence builder.

Social connections and fun

Exercise is a fantastic way to connect with others and have a blast. Whether you join a sports team, a fitness class, or simply go for a jog with a friend, exercising together can be a lot of fun. You'll laugh, encourage each other, and create memories along the way.

Exercise for everyone

Now, you might be wondering, "Can I still exercise if I have a disability?" Absolutely! Exercise is for everyone, regardless of ability. There are lots of sports and activities specifically designed for people with disability, such as:

  • Adaptive sports: These are different versions of popular sports. Like, wheelchair basketball, para swimming, sitting volleyball, and wheelchair tennis, among others. People with disability can also join in competitive sports to showcase their skills.
  • Adaptive recreation: Recreational activities focus on having fun with friends. Some examples are adaptive yoga, wheelchair dancing and accessible bushwalks. For beach-lovers, some places have wheelchair access ramps to get across the sand to the water’s edge.
  • Indoor ten pin bowling: Ten pin bowling is a fun indoor sport that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and abilities. Bowling centres often have equipment such as bowling ramps and lightweight balls. Lanes can be modified for wheelchairs, ensuring that everyone can take part in the fun!

Getting started

Not sure how to start your exercise journey? Why not try Home Run?

Home Run is the ultimate all-abilities fitness event where everyone, no matter their age or ability, can knock their goals out of the park! Whether you're walking, running, dancing or roller skating, every move counts toward improving your health while also making a positive impact on the lives of people with disability. The key is to find something you enjoy and listen to your body's cues.

Your all-round key to mental wellbeing

So, there you have it. Exercise is not only good for your body but also for your mind and soul. It can lift your mood, boost your confidence, and help you forge meaningful connections with others. No matter what challenges you may face, there's always a way to incorporate exercise into your life and reap its incredible benefits.

So, let's lace up those sneakers and embark on a journey to a healthier, happier you!

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