
How Learning & Lifestyle hubs can help you achieve your goals in 2023

Are you wondering what life might look like in 2023?

Do you want to set some new goals, learn some new skills, make some new friends, and have some fun along the way? You’re not alone – lots of people, both with disability and without, will be aiming to learn, grow and connect with others in the future!

We’re talking about goals for 2023 now because the start of a new year is a great time to think about what we want, set new goals, and make plans to achieve them.

It might sound daunting – a year is a long time, after all! But goals don’t have to be big or complicated. Your goals are just the things you want for the future and that are important to you.

You don’t have to achieve them all on your own, either. Aside from the support of your friends and family, you’ve also got us at Endeavour Foundation to support you to live, learn, work and flourish according to your own interests and priorities.

Our Learning and Lifestyle hubs are designed to help people with disability achieve their goals, whatever they might be. And better yet, they’re full of like-minded people just waiting for you to join them!

Learning and Lifestyle hubs

Learning and Lifestyle hubs offer a huge variety of activities to help all kinds of people meet their goals. We follow a person-centered approach to ensure everybody gets the best out of their experiences. The activities offered in Learning and Lifestyle hubs are designed to help the people we support with their goals, and there is something to suit everybody.

Identify your goals

It can sometimes be hard to think about goals. Goal setting can be made easier by starting small with little steps and short-term goals. These might be things you can work towards at your own pace.

Use these questions to start thinking about goals:

  • What is working well in your life now? How do we keep these things happening?
  • What is not working well in your life now? What needs to happen to change this? How do you think we could improve the situation?
  • What is the most important thing to you right now?
  • What are your future hopes for getting involved in social and community activities?
  • Are you involved in social and community activities now?
  • Do you want to be more involved?

What makes a good goal?

A ‘good goal’ is different for each person. There are several basic characteristics that make a good goal.

  • Outcome focused: Focusing on an outcome rather than the ‘how’. Instead of thinking about the support you need, think about what you want to achieve. For example, “make friendships in my community” is more outcome-focused than “to be more social”.
  • Flexibility: A broad goal that has a clear direction creates flexibility and means you can experiment within a broader scope. For instance, if you want to develop creative skills you might say “I want to learn to play the guitar’’ whereas a more flexible goal might be ‘’I want to improve my motor skills so I can enjoy a creative outlet for expression’’.
  • Personal: The best goals are those that allow you to achieve what you want! Good personal goals allow you to create the life you want.

Setting your 2023 goals

Setting goals can be a difficult task for everybody. Sometimes, it can be even harder to stick to your goals when times get hard. One easy way to set goals and stick to them can be to use the SMART method. Keep the below in mind when developing your goals.

  • S – Specific
  • M – Measurable
  • A – Attainable
  • R – Relevant
  • T – Time-sensitive

Support staying on course

Once you’ve set your goals, the next challenge is to stay on track towards them! It can be hard to keep goals at the front of your mind when life gets busy, or when you have other challenges to deal with. But the good news is that you aren’t alone – we are here to help!

Our Learning and Lifestyle hubs offer a range of activities to help you stay on track towards achieving your goals. Whether you want to learn new skills to maximise your independence or get more comfortable with socialising through doing group activities, there is something for everyone.

Looking to move out of your parents’ house? Try learning some essential skills in our Life Skills program, like budgeting or cooking.

Looking to meet people who love arts and crafts as much as you do? Join one of our Arts and Crafts groups at your local Lifestyle and Learning hub and have fun doing hobbies with new friends!

If your goals are to learn something new and challenging, there’s also plenty of options. Numeracy, and computers and technology are always popular. They can give you a challenge whilst also teaching you some cool new skills!

Whatever your goals are, the staff at our Learning and Lifestyle Hubs are here to help you achieve them. They’ll provide you with support when you need it, and help you keep track of them to ensure you get the most out of your time at our hubs.

To find out more about the activities on offer, have a look at our Learning and Lifestyle hubs.

If you’d like support in achieving your goals in 2023, call us on 1800 112 112 or enquire below.

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