Support Coordinator hub

Welcome to your centralised destination for valuable tools, information, and resources specifically tailored for Support Coordinators who work with people with disability.

Comprehensive resources for support coordination

Our goal is to empower you, as a Support Coordinator, with a streamlined platform offering a wide range of learnings and inspiration, resources, and FAQs. This frees up your valuable time to make a meaningful difference to the lives of the people you support.

For more detailed information on how Endeavour Foundation supports people with disability, visit our disability services page.

Your comprehensive hub

Learnings and inspiration

Enhance your skills, gain expert insights, and make a difference in your clients' lives. Dive into tailored webinars and blogs crafted exclusively for Support Coordinators. Explore our comprehensive learnings and inspiration section for:

  • Support Coordinator webinars
  • Articles and blog posts

Check out our Learnings and inspiration here.

Support Coordinator resources

Elevate your expertise and enhance your support coordination role. Navigate our resource page for NDIS quick links, downloadable forms, service brochures, and professional development tools designed to uplift your performance.

  • NDIS / NDIA quick links
  • Endeavour Foundation service brochures
  • Support Coordinator professional development
  • PACE information

Check out our Resources here.

Support Coordinator FAQs

Find solutions to commonly asked questions with our Support Coordinator FAQs, answered by our expert team. Empower your role to provide the best support for your clients.

  • Employment opportunities for your client
  • Finding your client a home
  • Learning and lifestyle options for your client
  • Transferring a client to Endeavour Foundation
  • Endeavour Foundation Quality Assurance

Check out our FAQs here.

Our disability service offerings

Why choose Endeavour Foundation for your clients’ disability services?

Endeavour Foundation has a proud seven-decade history of providing support and advocating for Australians with intellectual disability.

In 1951 a dedicated group of people were passionate about the rights and opportunities available to people with disability. Our mission is still as strong today, as we support thousands of people to live, learn, work, and flourish.

When the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) was introduced, a new world of choice and control was provided to the people we support. We intend to continue to make their possibilities a reality well into the future.

What is Supported Independent Living (SIL)?

Supported Independent Living (SIL) is the NDIS funding which provides support to people with disability to live independently. SIL funding is typically for people who live in shared homes and require 24/7 support. It covers the costs of the support staff living in the house.

Find out more about Support Independent Living.

What is Supported Employment?

Supported Employment is for people with disability to build skills and confidence in a work environment. Employees are part of a team and earn an income, all while doing a job they love. Our Employment Coaches and Production Team Leaders ensure everyone feels safe, supported, and valued at work.

Find out more about Supported Employment.

What is Supported Hosted Employment?

Supported Hosted Employment is for people with disability who want to work in a mainstream workplace with support. Endeavour Foundation Employment Coaches guide and work alongside employees in mainstream workplaces so they can do their job.

Find out more about Supported Hosted Employment.

What is a Learning and Lifestyle hub?

Our Learning and Lifestyle hubs provide a fun and welcoming experience for people with disability. We create a safe and supportive environment offering tailored activities and day programs to ensure unique goals and interests are met.

Find out more about Learning and Lifestyle.

What is Individualised Support?

Individualised Support is one on one support with a support worker so people with disability can do the things they need, want and love.

The individual chooses how they spend their time. Support workers focus on their specific goals and interests, whether that’s getting out and about in the community, being more social with friends or being supported in their home.

Find out more about Individualised Support.

Interested in Our Disability Services?

We empower people with disability to live, learn, work and thrive with a diverse range of disability support services.

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