How to be a good Support Worker
In this blog, we sat down with eight people with disability and asked them what it takes to be a good Support Worker. Here’s what they said!

Bede says…
Support Workers have made a big impact on my life.
What makes a good Support Worker is that they support you no matter what and they can trust you with ideas like shopping, cleaning and other things.
My tips to anyone wanting to become a Support Worker is to expect the unexpected. Make sure to have fun with the person you are supporting. Make the time to understand their culture, their habits and their personality. If you get nervous as a Support Worker just remember to relax and be yourself.

Nicole says…
I know what a good Support Worker means, because I’ve got one – Ena.
What makes her good is because we rap together. We are a rap duo.
I think the Support Workers here are great because they make me laugh. They also believe in me.
They are my big fans.

Sarah says…
A good support worker is someone who says ‘hello’, ‘how are you?’ and ‘how is your day?’
You have to be very friendly to be a Support Worker. Like me, just very easy going. The good thing about being a Support Worker is you get to know people. My Support Worker is absolutely brilliant because she is easy to talk to and she loves getting to know me.

Nick says…
What makes a good Support Worker? Well um, you have to teach me new things like how to become a great person and all that.
If you are a Support Worker you have to know how to be kind and stuff.
A Support Worker needs to give people new ideas and help them if they have a rough day.
Did you know that my Support Worker Aaron is also a wrestler? He’s a wrestle man! He also tells good jokes and stuff.
My Support Workers give me ideas on how to become rich and famous and stuff. They help me by keeping me happy, keeping me satisfied and they know not to cause any drama around me.

Jenny says…
All the Support Workers here are my favourite Support Workers. They are just so good.
They should try and be in a happy mood. You have to be happy because you can’t be grumpy or angry as a Support Worker.
They need to try and understand what we can achieve, ‘cause that’s what they have to do.
My favourite Support Workers help me out – cause that’s what you do.

Ben says…
Well, my best Support Workers are good at singing. Singing is a good skill to have.
A Support Workers job is to help us get our lunch ready and stuff. If there’s a fire drill, it’s a Support Worker’s job to take us to the pagoda and call our names out - keep us safe and that.
The good thing about Support Workers is that they look after the office stuff too.
My advice is to have a smile all the time.

Donna says…
Well, I like Kim because she helps me out, changed my life and made me feel like a better person. She helps me with confidence. Makes me feel better. Confidence feels good. When someone helps ya and says positive things about you it makes you happy.
As a Support Worker you have to earn the money, do the deeds and work really hard.
I like going shopping and doing my things and being independent and the Support Workers help me with that. I like independent, actually, you could say I love it.
They say to me things that I’m good and stuff. It’s good for me. I like it.

Lauren says…
I know a Support Worker is good if they are nice. Nice people look after me.
It would be lovely to have more Support Workers. They sing along with me and dance. I want some new dancing friends. I like dancing.