
Personal care assistance – increasing independence for people with disability

Personal care is more than just a daily routine for people with disability.

It can be a vital lifeline and a ticket to independence.

These daily living tasks help you to learn valuable life skills that can make a big difference.

Regular routines like showering, brushing your teeth, using deodorant, getting dressed and combing your hair can positively impact how you feel about yourself.

When you look good and feel fresh, your confidence gets a big boost. It can make you proud and help you to fit in easily with others.

The trick to personal care is making it a habit.

And the good news? You do not have to do this alone.

Through NDIS funding, you can choose your own support worker and make it a team effort.

So, how can personal care help you to become more independent? Let’s dive into six fun and practical ways:

1. Personal grooming fun

Think of personal care as a mini spa day. Tasks like showering, brushing teeth, shaving and applying makeup can be enjoyable.

Your support worker can help you with these tasks and teach you how to do them on your own.

2. Dress with ease

Learning to dress by yourself is like getting ready for a fashion show. It boosts your self-confidence and makes your daily routine run smoother.

Ask your support worker to help you to pick out clothes, button your shirts and put on shoes. You will then be a pro in no time!

3. Cook up a storm

Cooking can be a fun adventure. Imagine whipping up a delicious meal with a little help from your support worker?

You can learn how to chop vegetables, follow recipes and use kitchen gadgets safely. Plus, you get to eat your tasty creations.

4. Tidy up time

Keeping your home clean and tidy is satisfying. Tasks like dusting, vacuuming and doing laundry can be enjoyable and give you a sense of responsibility.

Plus, a tidy space is always nice to live in.

5. Ultra organised

Think of time management as a game where you create your perfect schedule. Ask your support worker to help you to set up routines, make schedules and prioritise tasks.

You will soon become a time-management champion.

6. Boost social skills

Good communication is key to making friends and navigating life. Support workers can help you to practise talking and listening, express yourself clearly and build your confidence in social situations.

It is like having a personal coach.

Keen to embrace Supported Independent Living?

Supported Independent Living (SIL) uses NDIS funding to offer in-home support.

You can have access to SIL in your own home or in one of our fun, purpose-built share homes.

Ready to start your independence journey? Contact Endeavour Foundation today on 1800 112 112 to make it happen.

For more information, visit

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