Common NDIS Phrases You Need to Know
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) can feel like it has its own language. Here is a handy guide that helps you to understand common NDIS phrases.
If you are new to the world of the NDIS, it might feel like a maze.
Throw in a bunch of new phrases, terms and acronyms, and it becomes even more complex.
Let’s remove some of that confusion.
We reveal common NDIS phrases that you are likely to encounter, with a brief description of what each means.
Prepare to speak the language of the NDIS.
Common NDIS Phrases and Terms
Here are more than 20 common NDIS phrases and terms, listed in alphabetical order:
Access request form: A comprehensive document that acts as the starting point to determine if you are eligible for NDIS funding.
Choice and control: A key NDIS principle that asserts that you, as an NDIS participant, can make your own decisions about your life and choose when, where and what supports you receive.
Community engagement: The ways you are involved with your community.
Formal supports: The types of supports you pay for.
Informal supports: The types of supports you do not pay for. For example, tasks that family or friends help with.
Local Area Coordinators: NDIA staff who link you to information and supports in the community with the aim of making this environment more welcoming.
Mainstream services: Services that provide supports to a range of people, not just people with disability.
Multidisciplinary team: A team of people with different skills who support and work with you to help you achieve your goals.
National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA): The organisation that runs the NDIS.
NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits: The document that details the NDIS’ pricing rules and the way that price controls for supports and services work as part of the scheme. Previously called the NDIS Price Guide.
NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission: An independent agency that aims to improve the quality and safety of NDIS supports and services. More here.
Nominee: Someone who can make decisions for you if you need help with the NDIS but do not have a parent or guardian to make these decisions.
Participant: Someone who has an NDIS plan and receives funding.
Participant statement: A summary of key things about you, like your living arrangements, a list of who is important to you, the supports you need and access, your regular weekly schedule and your goals and aspirations.
Plan: The document that lists your goals and what your funding and supports are for.
Prospective participant: Someone who is waiting to hear whether they will be covered under the NDIS.
Provider: An individual or an organisation that is responsible for providing supports, services and/or products that assist you with your disability.
Psychosocial disability: When a person’s mental health issues cause disability.
Review of decisions: The process you undertake if there is a decision in your plan that you disagree with.
Reasonable and necessary: A much-used term that describes the NDIS’ criteria for the supports that it funds. All supports must be deemed ‘reasonable and necessary’ to be eligible for NDIS funding.
Service agreement: A document that explains what supports you will receive from a provider and their costs.
Short-term accommodation: Funding for support and accommodation for a short time away from your usual living arrangements. Includes respite.
Supports: The services, items and equipment that help you go about daily living, being a part of your community and reaching your goals.
Support Coordinator: A person who can help you to understand and use your NDIS plan.
Now, the Acronyms…
Additionally, the NDIS world is full of abbreviations – whether it is the name of relevant organisations and other bodies, types of support or more.
Here are some of the most common acronyms and what they stand for, once again listed in alphabetical order:
ART: Administrative Review Tribunal (previously the Administrative Appeals Tribunal).
DSP: Disability Support Pension.
DSS: Department of Social Services.
ECEI: Early Childhood Early Intervention.
ILC: Information, Linkages and Capacity Building services.
ILO: Individualised Living Options.
ISP: Individual Support Plan.
LAC: Local Area Coordinators.
NDIA: National Disability Insurance Agency.
NDIS: National Disability Insurance Scheme.
NDS: National Disability Services.
SDA: Specialist Disability Accommodation.
SIL: Supported Independent Living.
What is the difference between SIL and SDA?We explain it here.
We Speak the Language
Navigating the NDIS can be tricky.
We are here to help.
At Endeavour Foundation, our friendly team includes NDIS specialists who know the system inside and out.
If you want support with your NDIS plan – along with the best in disability support services – get in touch with us today.